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The Baltimore City Forestry Board

Meetings are held every fourth Tuesday of the month at the
Baltimore City Forestry Division
301 Shop Rd., Druid Hill Park
Baltimore,  MD 21217
Map It

Related Links:

Balto.City Forestry Division
Arbor Day Foundation
Maryland Forests Assn.
Project Learning Tree
Project Wild
Maryland Trees
Master Gardener Website
General Forestry Course
Md Big Tree Program
MUCFC Grants
Designing Our Future
Woodlands Stewardship

University of Maryland Extension
Waterkeeper Alliance
Tree Baltimore
Parks & People
Maryland Natural Resources

Past News Letters
Big Tree Flyer

Forest Conservancy District Boards, referred to as Forestry Boards, function in all 23 Maryland countries and Baltimore City. The county boards were established by law in 1943 by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The Baltimore City Forestry Board held its first meeting in June 1987

The Baltimore City Board is composed of individuals who serve voluntarily to promote and nurture the expansion of the urban canopy so as to improve the health and welfare of Baltimore's residents. 

All members of the Board are unpaid volunteers who work closely with state foresters. Members are formally appointed by the Director of the Maryland DNR-Forest Service on the recommendation of the chairman and members of the Board in consultation with our local DNR Forester.

April 4, 2019

Herring Run

Photos by Sarah Lord

The Baltimore City Forest Conservancy District Board's goals are:

  • Improve the management of Baltimore's urban forest growing along its city's streets and in its parks.
  • Facilitate school tree plantings.
  • Promote informational and educational activities about the City's urban forest resources.
  • Work closely with, and assist the Baltimore City Forestry Division with its mission.
Board members meet monthly to discuss urban forest issues and plan upcoming activities. Meetings are open to the public. If you are interested in helping the City Board with its activities contact Maryland DNR - Forest Service 410-260-8510

Baltimore City Forestry Board-Projects and Activities
  • Natural Resources Careers Camp - For nearly 40 years high school students have gathered from across the state to attend this last-week-in-July camp about green careers and college programs in natural resources. Beat the heat in leafy Garrett County! The NRC Camp is fun and informative, letting high school students train in the field with professional foresters, biologists and naturalists. The Baltimore City Forestry Board is generous with tuition aid where appropriate. Application available online.
  • Newsletter - City Forest and Trees, publication highlighting topics related to trees and conservation.
  • Tree Tours - visit notable trees, Board projects, and other points of interest.
  • Service Learning Projects - Tree and environmental related activities for school students
  • Tree Planting Lesson Plans

Tree Plantings

Festivals & Events
Arbor Day -Celebration Planting in St.Casimir Park, Canton. April 26, 2024

Cylburn Market Day is held on Mother’s Day Weekend, Saturday, supporting the Arboretum and offering a wide selection of plants and gifts.  8am-2pm is open to all, free. Flower and plant vendors, food trucks, beverage sales, and entertainment. Come find the Baltimore City Forestry Board table where we hand out TreeBaltimore's variety of small trees, free, to boost Baltimore City tree canopy.

Baltimore Herb Festival   Held in Leakin Park 1900 Eagle Drive Baltimore, MD 21207.  Herbs, vegetable seedlings, garden ornaments are available. Come find the Baltimore City Forestry Board table where we hand out TreeBaltimore's variety of small trees, free, to boost Baltimore’s tree canopy.
*The Forestry Board also accepts donations, if you want to help us send city kids to the
Natural Resources Careers Camp in July.

Last updated: April 23, 2024
Send comments to Robert O. Black-Webmaster